Luxurious Bath Salts Chamomile Rose
The most Luxurious Bath Salts Available on the Market. Unique from Farm to Skin
Detoxify Luxe-Grapefruit Essential Oil Chamomile, Cardamom, Dried Rose and Flowers,Bergamot, Ginger Root Essential Oils, Sweet Almond Oil
This is a large bottle about 7 Baths.
Bath Salts and Oil is Great for Detoxing Body, and Evening Skin Tone, Exfoliation and Moisturizing skin. It is a healing remedy so has great effects for stretch marks, discoloration, and scaring. It also has anti aging remedies if used regularly.
We are Farm to Skin. We grow all of our Herbs Organically for our clients. It is a New movement! What you put topically on your body is just as important as what you put in your body Internally. We grow our herbs without the use of any pesticides, herbicides, or chemicals of any type. Everything is grown organically and with lots of love an attention. We us only the highest quality